Saturday, October 30, 2010

Rocamadour - Day 11

We left Toulouse and headed to Rocamadour. As we got closer we pulled over to take some pictures. It was a pretty awesome site. The town was built on the cliff side.
It was quite a walk up.

Foie gras pate over salad.
Cured duck over salad.
Duck confit
Hmmm... I forgot what this was.
Pistachio and caramel ice cream.
 Local cheese.
More photos of Rocamadour.
We walked up to the rampart on top of the cliff. Two guys chitchatted with us. One was from New Zealand and the other was Australian. They both were very well traveled and suggested a lot of less well known places to visit. One of them also gave us some history on this place, something about how it was a resting point for some pilgrimage made by Catholics and leaving seashells along their trial.

After Rocamadour, we headed for Sarlat. We saw some geese along the way and stopped to take some photos of them.

Also stopped by a foie gras store and purchased some of their items.

We didn't do much in Sarlat except for walk around. This city is well known for staying the same since medieval times.

Afterward, we headed to a goose farm to take a tour. I read that it starts at 6 pm, but when we got there it actually starts at 6:30. I passed the time by playing fetch with this dog. He's a very good dog and followed us around during the tour. The goose tour is another highlight of my trip.
While driving in this region, there are corn fields everywhere. It's all feed for the geese. The cages on the right is where the corn gets dried.
The corn is sectioned off by electric wire, so they don't eat everything all at once.
We learned about the process of getting foie gras. We also got to feed the geese. At this farm, they go through 1100 geese a year and lose 5 to 10% to foxes.
This farm also has some ducks.

We bought some more foie gras.
It was pretty dark driving to our next hotel. We got there pretty late and wanted to eat something fast, so we went to McDonalds. The McDonalds in France have a kiosk where you can order yourself.
The chicken nuggets don't taste the same. It's not as junkie as the US version. I prefer the more junkie nugget. Louie's Big Mac came with the option of a wheat bun. He liked it. Fries are the same. It was a really fun day.

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